Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Why Do We Blow Out Birthday Candles?

  H Barman       Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Why Do We Blow Out Candles on Birthday Cakes?

You have heard about the ancient Greek god of the moon Artemis . The cakes made for him on the occasion of Artemis' birthday should shine like the moon, so many candles were placed on the cake.  The Greeks thought that Artemis could see their cakes from above. Then everyone prayed together and lit the candles. And thought that the smoke of those candles was going to the deity with their prayers. The Germans also used candles on cakes.  Small candles were arranged around the cake and a large candle was in the center. This large candle had drawn 12 spots. This meant 12 months of the year. They used to call it the Light of Life. Whatever the cake looks like, if there is no candle on the cake, the beauty of the cake will not be complete.

Gradually, the birthday cake has more than one candle equal to its age. An extra candle for a new year. That is, at the age of two, one is now giving three legs, then three candles on the cake. But fewer candles are used for the elderly. For those who are about to be 5 years old, there are five candles. Whose birthday he remembers by holding a candle. It is said that once you can light all the candles in one blow, your request will be fulfilled. However, no one can tell you what you want, but it will not be fulfilled.
Birthday Candles Images

Why Do We Blow Out Birthday Candles?

Why Do We Blow Out Candles on Birthday Cakes?

We Blow Out Birthday Candles

In many western countries people celebrate their birthdays are traditionally celebrated with birthday cakes.Candles are placed on top birthday cake. The birthday candles were lit and then those who celebrated it sang the song Happy Birthday. After the song is over, the person whose birthday is making a request but doesn't say it out loud. Then they take a deep breath and then they try to blow out the candle in one breath.

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